Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Miracle Worker at LHS

Hello everyone,
It's been a while sense our last update, we've been working on things, and by things, I mean the title of this post. All of our official members are involved with the show, and the show's program has our very first advert. I decided to invest $15 and get the word out. So I think it's only fair I do likewise and say, "Hey come see The Miracle Worker at LHS from November 20th-23rd (with 2pm matinees on Saturday and Sunday).

As for scripting, Brad and I have been tossing back and forth some ideas for JCPD, but nothing has been done officially. So what are we going to do with our nice Thanksgiving break? Well we're setting aside a whole to meet up, brainstorm, and get a good deal into a first draft... Oh and then have some more people over to watch Tropic Thunder (The Directors Cut). I'm investing in a professional panasonic camera, and such. We've got things down my friends.

Your until later,
Kevin Cole

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